關於 LatticeWork


A creative team is developing marketing collateral for LatticeWork.


LatticeWork 是一家雲端和人工智慧創新公司,致力於讓每個人都能使用尖端技術。我們以消費者自由和隱私為中心的品牌 Amber 提供了雲端服務的便利,但無須妥協隱私。我們的 VAISense 系列產品和服務使企業能夠在收集資料的地方部署人工智慧,為他們提供豐富的洞察,同時保護消費者隱私。

A man working with an AmberPRO cloud device nearby


Amber 提供個人、家庭和小型企業確保資料安全必要的軟硬體,並能夠隨時隨地訪問資料。我們屢獲殊榮的解決方案為方便性和易用性設定了新標準。

了解 Amber
A fallen old woman whose problem is detected by AI

安全及合乎道德的 Edge AI 人工智慧

VAISense 為企業提供硬體、軟體、雲端基礎設施和配套支援,以便在收集資料的地方部署人工智慧。通過人工智慧在 “邊緣” 處理數據,企業可以更好地保護消費者隱私,同時獲得更快、更可靠的結果。

了解 VAISense
Pantas Sutardja

A Personal Journey

LatticeWork is the company behind Amber and VAISense. We're on a mission to change the world and at the heart of our culture is the experience of our founder.

The Start

From Singapore to California

Dr. Pantas Sutardja, the founder of LatticeWork, grew up in Singapore. The seed of his future was sown as a teenager with his increasing fascination with electronics. He eventually came to the United States to study Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the University of California, Berkeley where he earned B.S., M.S., and PhD degrees. He worked afterwards at the IBM Almaden Research Center where he created the first CMOS read channel chip at IBM. This was just the beginning of a life innovating. He would eventual hold over 300 U.S. patents related to semiconductor and storage system technologies.


Success Innovating in Storage Technology

After IBM, Dr. Pantas Sutardja and his brother founded Marvell Technology Group Limited where he acted as Board Director and Chief Technology Officer for 19 years. Under his stewardship and technological vision, Marvell grew into a renowned storage semiconductor developer and manufacturer is valued at over $30 billion with over 7000 employees around the world.


Paying it Forward

As a believer in the virtue of technology, Dr. Sutardja directed his attention to helping the next generation of innovators and entrepreneurs. Through personal and philanthropic efforts he was integral in the creation of a number of programs, institutions, and partnerships at UC Berkeley. Most notably he established the Sutardja Center for Entrepreneurship & Technology. The Center is known for creating the Berkeley Method, an internationally recognized approach to teaching technology entrepreneurship to university students, executives, and tech professionals.


A New Way to Improve Lives

Motivated by the increasing reports of data either being stolen or exploited by those trusted to protect it, and driven by his desire for technology to have a net positive impact on the world, Dr. Sutardja founded LatticeWork. The self-funded company headquartered in San Jose, California now with over 100 employees around the world, invested and built its own cloud service infrastructure to power its debut Amber product line. Described as a personal hybrid cloud, these products and the infrastructure backing them, let people truly protect their digital privacy and data.


Amber Delivers a Private Cloud to Consumers

Recognizing the need to provide consumers, professionals, and small businesses the kind of convenience of the cloud without the many sacrifices to security and freedom, the Amber product line was born. The demand for something better was significant. The eventual Indiegogo launch of Amber X, for example, surpassed its funding goal in 1 hour. LatticeWork and the Amber line of products are not simply another business for Dr. Pantas Sutardja, they are a continuation of that teenage enchantment with electronics and an embodiment of his personal mission to see that technology is accessible in its most noble and enabling form to all people.


VAISense Delivers Edge AI to Businesses

Building on the AI and edge computing expertise required to deliver the Amber product line, LatticeWork launched VAISense at CES 2024. Where Amber provides consumers freedom to host their own cloud, VAISense provides businesses the freedom to shape their AI future. AI at the edge, meaning where data is collected, enables businesses to process complex visual and sensory data in a way that provides meaningful insights while also respecting individual privacy. The possibilities are endless and the future of LatticeWork is full of opportunities for customers and partners.

A man talking on the phone

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