Host Nextcloud from Home

Host your own alternative to Dropbox and Google Drive

A desktop computer with Nextcloud running in the browser, hosted by on the AmberPRO device beside it.

Hosting your own small-business server has never been easier than with AmberPRO. Many freelancers, work-from-home professionals, and small businesses will find the native capabilities of Amber iX to be everything they need. For those more comfortable with other software or looking to enhance those features is a library of third-party Docker applications providing nearly unlimited possibilities. Among these apps is the popular, free and open-source tool Nextcloud.

What is Nextcloud?

Nextcloud is an open-source software suite that provides a cloud storage platform for sharing and synchronizing files. Some of its main features include:

  • File Storage and Sharing: Users can store and share files, with the ability to control access and permissions for each file or folder.
  • Synchronization: It offers desktop and mobile clients to synchronize files between devices and the Nextcloud server, ensuring that users have the latest version of their files across all devices.
  • Collaboration Tools: Integrated office suite features (like Collabora Online or ONLYOFFICE) allow for collaborative editing of documents, spreadsheets, and presentations directly in the browser.
  • Calendar and Contacts Management: Users can manage calendars and contacts, and synchronize them across devices.
  • Task Management and Note-Taking: Features for managing tasks and taking notes are included, with apps available for additional functionality.
  • Communication Tools: Nextcloud offers communication tools like Nextcloud Talk, which supports chat, video conferencing, and file sharing in a secure environment.
  • Data Security and Privacy: It emphasizes strong security and privacy features, with end-to-end encryption, two-factor authentication, and GDPR compliance.
  • Customization and Extendability: A wide range of apps and plugins are available to extend functionality, and it's customizable to suit different organizational needs.
  • Self-Hosted: Unlike many cloud storage solutions, Nextcloud is self-hosted, giving users full control over their data and the location of their server.
  • Federated Cloud Sharing: This feature enables users to share files across different Nextcloud installations, promoting collaboration without sacrificing control over data.
  • User and Group Management: Admins can manage users and groups, assign storage quotas, and set permissions at a granular level.
  • Automatic Backup and Versioning: Files are automatically backed up, and previous versions can be restored.

These features make Nextcloud a comprehensive solution for individuals and organizations looking for a secure, private, and customizable cloud storage and collaboration platform.

Installing Nextcloud on AmberPRO

Installing Nextcloud on AmberPRO is simple:

  1. Log into Amber OS
  2. Go to PRO Tools > App Store.
  3. Select Nextcloud from the list of apps and click on install.
  4. Once Nextcloud is installed, go to Container Apps. Here you can select Nextcloud > Private URL to find the URL to access Nextcloud from your local network.

For many users simply looking for synchronization inside their home or office network and these next three steps can be skipped. If you would like to access your instance of Nextcloud outside of your network, then also do the following:

  1. Inside of Amber OS visit Subscriptions and select Setup Amber Anywhere.
  2. Fill in the required fields, pointing to your Nextcloud installation, and click Apply.
  3. A public URL will be created linking to your Nextcloud app inside of your network.

Now you can simply navigate to the URL and complete installation and start enjoying the benefits of Nextcloud. Please note that some plugins may not be compatible with running Nextcloud in Docker. Feel free to contact us anytime with questions!

A mother, father, and child viewing photos hosted on an Amber device.

Enjoy Your Own Private Cloud

Escape the subscriptions and privacy concerns of commercial clouds. Host your own with Amber and take back your freedom.

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